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Kurdistan photo gallery

Poppy flowers in the plains of Kurdistan

Kurdistan-008 picture ID: 30611 new-icon


Beautiful flower plain in Kurdistan

Kutdistan-007 picture ID: 20549 new-icon

Kurdistan and Poppy fields

Kurdistan-006 picture ID: 30570 new-icon

Kurdistan and Poppy flowers

Kurdistan-005 picture ID: 30568 new-icon

Agricultural land in the province of Iranian Kurdistan,زمینهای کشاورزی در استان کردستان ایران

Kurdistan-002 picture ID: 30537

Oraman Valley,دره اورامان

Kurdistan-004 Picture ID: 10510

Oraman in Kurdistan,اورامان در کردستان

Kurdistan-003 Picture ID: 10511

Kurdistan and poppy fields,کردستان و دشت شقایق

Kurdistan-001 picture ID: 30523

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