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A tree in Evan Lake

A tree in Evan Lake, درختی در دریاچه اوان
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Iran, Qazvin, Panoral 45 camera, Schneider Symmar-S 150/5.6, Hoya red filter, Ilford FP4 plus, 9x12cm sheet film

Picture ID: 10573 - Order

Alamut is the name of a region in the northwestern province of Qazvin. This region is located in the Alborz mountain range. Evan beautiful lake in the northern half of Alamut, is located on the hillside Khashchal, at a distance of 75 km from Qazvin.

This tree was located on the shores of Lake Evan. Its strange shape caught my eye. In fact, there are two trees. One of them prevented the other from falling. But their combination created an interesting picture.

For this photo, I used Nikkor-W 150/5.6 on Panoral 45 camera and got attached a Hoya red filter on the lens, then shoot by 1/15sec at f22 on Ilford FP4 PLUS 9x12cm sheet film.

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