The mountainous regions of Mazandaran province

Picture ID: 20550 - Order
Mazandaran Province is one of the most densely populated provinces in Iran and has diverse natural resources, notably large reservoirs of oil and natural gas. The diverse nature of the province features plains, prairies, forests and rainforest stretching from the sandy beaches of the Caspian Sea to the rugged and snowcapped Alborz sierra, including Mount Damavand, one of the highest peaks and volcanos in Asia.
The beautiful mountain areas in Mazandaran province have many tourist attractions. In most of these areas, rural houses are rented to travelers. Due to the mountainous climate of the region, travelers will enjoy cool and pleasant nights in the summer. For this image I used Ilford Pan 100 film. Although the expiration date was 1994, the image still looks good. Old age can be seen in the film. Also, the numbers behind the film paper had an effect on the emulsion. However, I edited them in Photoshop.
For this image, I used the Panoral 617 camera. I used Schneider Super Angulon 90/5.6 lens on my camera and mount Bronica SR60.2C (R1) on it. The image shooted, with aperture 22 and shutter speed 1/8 seconds on Ilford Pan 100 Expired 1994.