Trees and clouds in Arjomand

Picture ID: 20535 - Order
Arjomand is a village in Tehran province of Iran. The Arjomand village is located in the city functions Firuzkuh. If you leave a small amount of Arjomand village, you reach the village Lazoor. Along the way about 13 km, there are pristine natural areas. This area includes meadow, rivers and big rocks on the hillside.
This vertical panoramic image, although very simple, but I think it has a beautiful composition. The sloping line above the trees is in harmony with the hypothetical line in the clouds. This is the reason for my interest in this image.
For this image, I used the Panoral 45 camera. I set my tripod in convenient location, and put my camera with Schneider Symmar-S 150/5.6 lens on it. The lens was set at a hyperfocal distance, and the image recorded, with aperture 22 and shutter speed 1/4 seconds on Fuji Velvia 50 6x12cm roll film.