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The beautiful nature of Khalid the prophet

The beautiful nature of Khalid Nabi,منطقه زیبای خالد نبی
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Iran, Golestan, Hasselblad 500 C/M, Carl Zeiss Planar 80/2.8 CF, Konica Centuria 100, 120 color negative roll film

Picture ID: 30543 - Order

Khalid Nabi cemetery (cemetery of the Prophet Khaled) is a cemetery in northeastern Iran's Golestan province near the border with Turkmenistan, roughly 40 miles (64 km) northeast of Gonbad-e Kavous city, in the Gokcheh Dagh hills of Turkmen Sahra.

Due to the lack of roads and the lack of space and the lack of welfare facilities in the area, as well as the intense heat of summer and cold in winter, the best time to visit is April and May. In the spring, this area has a pleasant climate. I visited this area in the spring. In addition to the tomb of Khalid Nabi, there are two other tombs in the area. The area also has a cemetery with stone statues.

The beautiful nature of this area was quite interesting for me. A lush, mountainous region with pleasant weather in one afternoon of spring was perfectly suitable for shooting. I went to this area with a climbing group. I tried to get some distance from them, so that I can take photos safely.

For this photo, I used Hasselblad 500C/M and Carl Zeiss Planar 80/2.8 CF lens. The image recorded, with aperture 16 and shutter speed 1/4 seconds on Konica Centuria 100 color negative 120 roll film.

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