Darabad mountain and cypress trees

Picture ID: 10533 - Order
Darabad village is one of the neighborhoods of Tehran, which is located in the north of the city. Darabad mountains that surround both sides of the village, is part of the Tochal mountain. Darabad has two rivers named ”Darabad” and ”old Darabad” that join together in one place, and creates Darabad river. Darabad Natural History Museum, which is of good museums in Iran, also located in Darabad.
Darabad mountain is one of the climbing routes in north Tehran. The climbing route in the summer is dry and rocky, but in winter is a relatively heavy snow. Darabad peak is one of the easternmost peaks of Tochal mountain, which height is 3202 meters above sea level. The peak is located in the central part of the Alborz mountains, and located at a distance of 8 km from the southeast Tochal peak.
This image is part of the afforestation Darabad mountain slope. For this image I walked for about an hour on the slopes of the mountain. Because I went there very early morning, I was there at sunrise. I move around to find suitable locations for shooting. During this time the sun came a little high and create good shadows.
For this image, I used the 6.5x9cm sheet film adapter on my Hasselblad camera. I had made a sheet film adapter for the Hasselblad camera to use a 6.5x9cm sheet film. I use also Plaubel 6.5X9 cm sheet film holder in this adapter. The image frame in this adapter, is same 6x6cm. The image recorded, with aperture 16 and shutter speed 1/2 seconds on Fortepan 200 6.5x9cm sheet film.